Green Asset Management

Ensure the longevity and value of your green infrastructure. Evergreen Infrastructure provides expert asset management services.

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Garden-filled interior in a warehouse-type spaceRooftop garden being planted by a worker

Are You Maintaining or Losing Value?

Green infrastructure, like any asset, requires ongoing care. Neglected green spaces degrade and lose their intended benefits.

Without a strategic maintenance plan, you risk costly repairs, a decline in aesthetic appeal, and reduced  performance of your green infrastructure investment.

Evergreen Infrastructure protects your investment. We keep your green assets healthy, beautiful, and functioning optimally.

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The Benefits

Extend the Life of Your Green Spaces

Our proactive maintenance extends the lifespan of your green infrastructure, maximising your return on investment.

Ensure Peak Performance and Benefits

Regular care ensures your green space delivers its intended outcomes – from stormwater management to air quality improvement.

Minimise Unexpected Costs

Preventive maintenance reduces the likelihood of major repairs and the associated costs and disruption.


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Customised Maintenance Plans

We develop plans tailored to your specific green infrastructure – from green roofs to therapeutic gardens.

Horticultural Expertise

Our team has a deep understanding of plants suitable for green infrastructure and the specialised care they require.

Water Management Optimisation

We monitor and adjust irrigation systems to maximise efficiency and ensure the health of your green space.

Structural and System Assessment

We inspect the structural integrity of green walls, roofs, and other elements to ensure safety and longevity.

Data-Driven Asset Management

We monitor and track key metrics, providing data to inform decision-making and optimise asset performance.

Ongoing Support and Guidance

We remain a resource for you, offering advice and support to ensure your green assets continue to thrive.


Creating green oases in urban settings

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Indoor vertical garden